Your Journey

When was the last time you looked back on your journey and how far you’ve come?

It’s evaluation time for teachers and I have been able to get into several classrooms this week. On two separate occasions I got a reminder of what I miss about being an educator. First, I visited a classroom that was discussing a novel. The language arts teacher in me was excited about the conversations students were having. Their insights were all different as they each  brought a new outlook on the subject of the discussions. The second example that got me excited again was listening to students share their creative stories with one another. I miss the creative ideas and silly exchanges each of the students shared. They gave one  another great feedback and shared their enthusiasm for each story. Both of these instances reminded me of the joy teachers get to witness each day. I rarely get to see these moments and it reminded me that I still need to search for moments that bring me back to why I chose the path I did.

Remind yourself where you started. We all took a specific path in life. At the start of a career or some other life decision we had a beginners belief, as to what we would do on this adventure. Somewhere along the way our decisions developed into something different, but the initial reasoning is always the same. Whether you call it your purpose or your why, the underlying reasons remain the same. Reminding ourselves as often as we can why we went the way we did is healthy. It keeps us grounded and true to our path. Everyone’s path will change and evolve into something bigger and better.

Our plans and goals evolve throughout our lives. As we chase something, we very slightly take it another direction. Small adjustments over short or long periods of time change the trajectory of our plans. Before we know it, we have made changes to our original decisions, altering our path. These changes are great examples of our growth. Our original decisions were prototypes. As we changed, we developed those decisions into better products of ourselves. Our paths are always changing and adapting as our lives change.

We can’t forget the people who were part of our original decisions that took us down our current path. Think about the beginning stages of your path and remember the people who helped you along. When was the last time you reconnected with those people? If they are still around you may want to check in with them. Take a moment to share how far you have come on your journey and see where they are on their journey. We can’t forget the individuals in our lives who contributed to our life in some way. They assisted you in your decisions and helped you evolve into something better. Find your people and connect.

We are still on the same path, based on the decisions we have made and the ones we have yet to make. Whatever your path is, it is forever changing and evolving. Your mind may be set on specific goals or ideas, but 6 months from now those goals or ideas might be something else. This is great. We should always think about our plans and adjust them as often as needed. The evolution of our ideas ensures we are planning fully and bringing forth the best ideas for ourselves.

What was one decision that got you started on the path you’re on?

Where has your path evolved over the weeks, months, or years?

Who contributed to your decisions that led you to where you are now?

Where is your path headed and what decisions do you need to make for the future?

I was so thankful to get some reminders this week. It was like I was refueled or recharged and it put me back in a happy place. I hope you get some positive reminders this week. We should all feel better about our decisions that put us on the path we’re on today. Thanks for looking in this week. I hope you find an opportunity to see how far you have come on your path.

Steven C. Bucks- Leading Conversations

Steven Bucks

Husband, Father, and School Administrator. Interested in personal development and growth. Avid reader of leadership and growth Mind-set books.