Working Out

How are you exercising your body and mind?

One of my boys wants to workout this summer. Naturally he wants me to do it with him and that could be interesting. You see, I’m not as fit as I would like to be. To say I have let myself go, is an understatement. I’m not completely out of shape, I can still do stuff. The great thing about this whole idea, is my son wants to hang out with me. That is cool. It has me thinking of the benefits that could occur by exercising. Recently, I watched my dad have a health scare and it made me concerned about myself. Have I taken care of myself enough to be physically healthy as I age? I can do better! I also thought about mental and intellectual fitness. Have I got a plan for stretching and working out in that area? You see, fitness or working out can take many forms. We must stay physically active, as well as mentally active to be truly healthy individuals.

Our physical health is so important to our future. We could talk about countless studies that point out the benefits of exercise. Instead, I will share one point. An administrator in my area had a heart attack a few years ago. Thankfully he survived this health scare. In a meeting he shared with his fellow school administrators about the importance of taking care of yourself. Take a walk or get out of the office more. Many of us have stressful jobs and that stress is a silent killer. Our bodies don’t do well when they are stressed. A quality exercise plan will alleviate some of the negative effects of stress. I have felt stressed, especially in the last two years. What I have discovered, is I don’t sleep well or feel good. All of this is due to my stress levels. My point is, find an avenue to reduce your stress with exercise, meditation, or a simple walk. Have a plan to stay in shape. In that plan, allow time to relax too. If you meditate or simply sit in silence, do this and be present in that moment. Allow yourself a quiet time to reflect and center yourself by clearing your mind. Your exercise plan doesn’t need to be intense, just keep moving.

We can’t forget about our mental health either. We need to look at two prongs when we discuss our mental health. The first prong, I believe that our mental health is our thoughts of self or our situations. When speaking of mental health, everyone automatically goes to the social emotional realm. Countless people today are depressed or suffer from anxiety. We are unable to see this in the people we are around. Many times, people that suffer from depression don’t appear to be depressed and are often upbeat and outwardly happy. Our society has come to grips with depression and anxiety recently. It is now more acceptable to share when we are struggling. I think this is great. When we have poor mental health, we must find ways to redirect ourselves. Talking to a friend or therapist is useful but each person must have a way to manage themselves. If we are struggling with social-emotional issues, we must ask ourselves what will pull us out of this continuous funk. I have found motivation when depressed in music, podcasts, readings, and yes prayer. Know you can find something that will pull you up.  The second prong refers to the stretching of our minds or the continuous efforts to learn each day. I must sound like a broken record on this concept, as I share it often. Part of our health must involve learning. Keeping our minds active and engaged will keep us growing in a positive direction. Maybe you can learn an instrument, or another language. Read and absorb as much information as you can and develop a plan that forces you to learn and grow each day.                   

            What warning signs indicate you are physically or mentally unhealthy?

            What physical exercise could you engage in each day?

            Who are you speaking with when you struggle emotionally?

            What learning have you taken on today?

            What is your overall plan to address you physical and mental health?

I’m looking forward to my weekly workouts. Not only is it addressing my physical health, but it is also helping me emotionally by hanging out with my son. We call it dude-time! I have neglected myself over the years by chasing my career and not seeing the importance of my health. I will do better! Thanks for checking in this week. I wish you a wonderful day as you engage in your health plan or workout. Please leave your comments below and share your plans and ideas.

Steven C. Bucks- Leading Conversations

Steven Bucks

Husband, Father, and School Administrator. Interested in personal development and growth. Avid reader of leadership and growth Mind-set books.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Donna

    Good one Steven. Attitude is everything. Exercise does help improve our outlook on life plus it gives us the energy we need to go on. Thanks for all you’ve done for everyone who takes the time to read this.

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