How have your experiences and connections lead you through life?
Several years ago, while my dad was cleaning out the garage and going through all the tools he had, he came across an old toolbox. The toolbox was rusty and full of miscellaneous items, rusty tools, pliers, screwdrivers, and an occasional fuse. The best part was that my grandfather’s name was labeled on the outside cover. My dad gave it to me, and I still have that old toolbox. It still holds some of those old tools, and the funny thing is, I don’t use it as an actual toolbox. It sits on my work bench as an awesome memory of my grandfather and dad. It serves as a reminder of possibilities and hard work. It speaks to the wisdom of my grandfather and dad, something I greatly miss hearing them share.
We all carry a toolbox within us that holds our many experiences, important connections, and resources. These tools are how we face the world and provide us with endless possibilities for success. A variety of experiences guide us and give others a glimpse of our values and character. For me, the time spent with my grandfather or working with my dad is a great example of leadership. I often wonder, was it their guidance that led me into leadership? Those experiences compound and form a library of skills and resources we can use throughout our lives, leading ourselves or others. In the process of living out these lessons we in turn are making connections with those around us, furthering our leadership and developing the experiences and skills of others. If we think about it, the wisdom passed down to us is given to everyone we encounter. The wisdom of my grandfather and dad passes through me into my children, their children and everyone we interact with. That is awesome! What wisdom or lessons are you sharing today?
Who from your past offered wisdom and what lessons did you gain from them?
What tools or experiences assist you in your day-to-day decisions?
How are you forming connections with others, using the wisdom you have gained?
It’s funny how one item carries so much meaning. Some may see it as a toolbox on a shelf. For me it was more than that. It was the memory of my grandfather working on a wood project in his shed when I visited, or dad showing me the value of hard work when I worked with him. We all carry a toolbox of memories, connections, and lessons. The important step we all must take is to share these valuable moments with others. I hope you pass on the wisdom you gained to someone this week. Thanks for checking in and please leave a comment below that will contribute to this conversation.
Steve Bucks~ Leading Conversations and Leadership Coaching
~Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member~
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