The Ultimate Distraction

How can we avoid the noisy distractions of our critics?

It comes as no surprise that people tend to judge our decisions. Even more unsurprising is when they get on social media platforms and share their view of us, our people, or the organizations we serve. They never come to us to understand an issue, ask specific questions, or provide appropriate resolutions to the issues causing their frustrations. In most cases, these critics are lacking all the details. All of this is just noise. Noise that gets in the way of our plans, goals, or organizational initiatives. We must see our mission, and hear our plans above that noise. This post I hope will offer some guidance for those who need it.                    

Overcoming our initial anger or frustration is exceedingly difficult. People will lie, share only what they perceive as the facts, and will do anything in their power to get others onboard with their way of thinking. We want to respond to the false narratives, to clear our good names. This, however, is not always the best practice. Most of the comments we hear, especially on social media, are distractions. We must let go, and tune out the negative noise.             

See their perspective, even if it is without merit. We have all heard the saying, put yourselves into another person’s shoes, right? It takes a lot of energy to commit to a thought process we cannot understand. Whether we absolutely know we are right or even close to right we still must understand the others side. The only way to gain this understanding is by stepping outside our views and the thoughts we believe are correct to ask better questions about the issue.               

Put it all into perspective, by accepting what is beyond our control. At the end of the day, we cannot control the views or behaviors of others. All we can do is our best. Our actions, decisions, and mindset must be our best. When we know we have done everything in our control to offer the best plans for our organization, eventually we win the arguments.     

Recommitting to our goals or plans is a shift in our minds. Get our minds rights, set the tone, and push forward toward the mission. A strong mind and persevering through adversity are the only ways to quiet the noise of our critics. Those who doubt us cannot control our minds or the energy we have for pursuing our goals and that of the organization. We must stay focused on the tasks at hand and remain clear on our endgame.

How can you control the emotional response to other people’s negativity?  

Can you see the other side of an issue, even if you know you are in the right?        

Have you identified what is in your realm of control?

How will you reset yourself after a moment of frustration?           

Overcoming the noise created by our adversaries is nothing new. Anyone who leads or even deals with other people will experience this difficulty. The strong-minded individuals will win the day. I wish you a wonderful week, as you see your goals, follow your plans, and execute to the highest standard. Thanks for looking in on this post and please leave a comment below that will add to our conversation.

Steven C. Bucks- Leading Conversations

~Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member~

Steven Bucks

Husband, Father, and School Administrator. Interested in personal development and growth. Avid reader of leadership and growth Mind-set books.