How do you remain positive when you are rattled by external frustrations?
I don’t get visibly frustrated very often. I have prided myself on what I call my quiet strength or my superpower. It is my ability to stay calm in many situations and around those who may wish to provoke me or get me to react negatively. Am I always able to remain calm? Of course not, I have my moments like everyone. It takes a lot to train yourself to stay focused and in a positive state of mind.
The most important thing to keep in mind is to know what issues or people make you frustrated and lose your positive mindset. When we can recognize our triggers, we can better prepare ourselves to hold back the anger and frustration. As those moments arise, what tools or actions keep you in the zone? Is it an action you take, such as a change in posture, or something you say to yourself? Create a process that will offsets any frustrating feelings when the occur. Finally, give yourself grace. When you are unable to remain positive; understand that no one is perfect. We will slip and miss the mark, but we can commit to becoming better in the next occurrence. Controlling our minds and remaining calm is a vital power in leadership. Leading ourselves starts in our minds and we can best help others if we have a positive mindset in contentious situations.
What topics or people trigger you the most?
What tools or actions could you take to put yourself in the right mindset?
How do you respond when you miss your expectations with your attitude?
Situations or people you deal with will try to chip away your ability to remain in a positive mindset. Great leaders recognize this and develop tools to stay in the right frame of mind. We can lead better when we have this superpower. Thanks for checking in with Leading Conversations. I hope you have a great week and remain in the zone, to lead in positivity. Please leave a comment below that will contribute to this conversation.
Steve Bucks~ Leading Conversations and Leadership Coaching
~Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member~