Where have you created the positive space for growth in your life?
It has taken 28 years of marriage for me to finally get my home office. A space strictly dedicated for my book collections and coaching practices. I am beyond excited. Of course, it will take some time to organize the space and set it up for my needs. It made me wonder where we could create space in our everyday lives for opportunities to chase our dreams or learn something new. What space do you need to create that will allow you to develop your interests or to become better at something?
To grow ourselves more effectively, we should choose a location free of distractions, which offers an atmosphere for personal development. This should be an environment rich in what interests us and encourages us to thrive. When we have a positive location to go for our personal development endeavors, we can focus our growth efforts. A positive place at home is great, but we also must carve out a portion of our day to reset or do something quick for ourselves, especially on those difficult days. When we do something small for ourselves, we are better able to do our jobs more effectively. What about our hearts or minds? Are we creating a space to practice mindfulness, religion, or spirituality each day? Knowing we are a small piece in this world of ours is important. We must see ourselves as a piece of the puzzle, to a better world. Taking care of ourselves offers the world something more.
What physical space allows you to grow or chase a goal that is important to you?
How will you ensure you have space to grow throughout your day?
How are you allowing for Spiritual space or mindfulness in your life?
Creating physical space for yourself as well as moments throughout the day or mentally and spiritually is good for your growth and development. When we create positive spaces in our life, we also create a better self for the world. Take care of yourself and give yourself space for growth. Thanks for checking in this week and please leave a comment below that will contribute to this conversation.
Steve Bucks~ Leading Conversations and Leadership Coaching
~Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member~