
What experiences can you share with the world about life?

It is hard to believe I am writing my 20th post for my Leading Conversations site. It is kind of a big moment for me, so I was struggling to come up with something earth-shattering to talk with you about. I could share the stress of my current situation or the newest initiative my district is working on at this moment. Instead I decided to bring back the reason I created, Leading Conversations. In this post, I wish to share my learning from a few individuals.

The first person I need to mention is Jimmy Casas. I am a big fan of his work. His books, blog, and social media posts are inspirational and thought provoking. By his suggestions, through a blog post I took on the adventure of creating my first blog. The point I chose to focus on from what I read is to share my voice, even if I think I lack experiences. We think we can not share our life lessons with others because we have not written a book, or we are not an expert in a certain field. This is a false mindset. We all have something to offer the world, we just need to start. Go find your voice!

The next name drop is a group of friends and colleagues I refer to as my Minnesota Peeps. Barb Bengtson, a successful coach with Perception Coaching in Duluth, Minnesota. Barb has always given me her guidance when I come up with an idea. She is open to my ideas and is there to allow me to talk through my thought processes. Another is Mark Ziebarth a successful school administrator. I would refer to Mark as my first mentor in the realm of school administration. There was a time when I was not sure if I wanted to go in that direction in my career. Mark is always available to encourage me to take the leap needed to achieve. Lastly, Krisanne Wessel is a wonderful teacher who I have had the pleasure to work with for several years. She too, is a major encourager to my ideas. Krisanne and I took our school administrators courses together and she is a trusted friend. Be someone’s encourager today!

The next name drop is Brendon Burchard. He is an author and coach who has a Podcast I listen to often. Recently, he reiterated the point of sharing our voices. Mr. Burchard discussed when he got started as a coach. None of us can consider ourselves as experts when we first get started in our lives or careers. We just need to start to avoid spiraling out of control. His message really hit me this week and reminded me why I started this blog. Start on your goals!

I must not forget my biggest cheerleader, Dawn. My beautiful wife is always in my corner, no matter how crazy my ideas get. Without her support I would not be where I am today. Be sure you have that one person who will always love and support you no matter what.

            How are you sharing your voice with others?

            Who encourages you and who are you encouraging?

            What goals are you waiting to start?

I hope you find your voice and share it with the world. Have a great week and as always, I look forward to your feedback.


Steven Bucks

Husband, Father, and School Administrator. Interested in personal development and growth. Avid reader of leadership and growth Mind-set books.