Service Minded

How can we value and support the volunteers in our organization?

When we are attentive, we will find those who get things done; the people who jump in and knock out tasks. They are a small group in our organizations, communities, and our families. This weekend I found that group, and I was lucky enough to witness their service mindset. A group of parents worked tirelessly to make our Homecoming extra special for our students. Most people have their own set of tasks to accomplish, but some can’t help but have a service mindset and heart. When volunteers are needed, they jump up enthusiastically. We must value these people with acknowledgment and support them in their service.                 

The service minded taskmasters are found when we, as leaders create new initiatives or need additional assistance with other tasks. They tend to want to be of assistance to those around them. We must embrace these individuals with caution. Yes, we want and appreciate their help, but we also don’t want them to burn out. We value these people most by seeking out their help and gathering their views and opinions. When people know they are valued they are more willing to be of service. It is great to have team players who we can turn to for the work that needs be done. As a leader we must be willing to find ways to be of service for our taskmasters too. Where can we pick up the slack or take something of someone’s plate? Leaders must serve as well. The true measure of a leader is if they are willing to serve those around them.

            Who is the service minded individuals in your organizations?           

            How can we acknowledge and recognize the taskmasters of our organization?     

            Where can you pick up the slack to assist those who do it all?           

If you’re lucky, you have people in your inner circle who have a service mindset. If you are even luckier, you have a service mindset. Either way, we must consider ourselves lucky to have people who volunteer and make things happen. I hope you are reaping the benefits of volunteering in your organization or community. Thanks for checking out this week’s post, and please leave a comment below that will contribute to this conversation.              

Steve Bucks~ Leading Conversations and Leadership Coaching

~Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member~

Steven Bucks

Husband, Father, and School Administrator. Interested in personal development and growth. Avid reader of leadership and growth Mind-set books.