Why do we feel afraid of accountability?
Having an accountability partner has been a topic in many of our conversations on this site and within many of my Mastermind groups. The topic of accountability came up this week in my most recent Mastermind group meeting on High Road Leadership by John Maxwell. In fact, accountability is a renewed goal for my next conference I plan to attend. Fear of what that means or looks like, within the idea of my dreams, is concerning for me. We all have fears of accountability in other areas of our lives. Renewing an intentional drive to have accountability in our lives should be all our goals.
We all know being accountable is important and we might forget to embrace the idea. Renewing the thought of being more accountable starts with us. We must be accountable to ourself and our dreams, through the goals we set. Additionally, you must make your daily responsibilities a priority. We wouldn’t dream of not paying our bills or following the laws that keep us safe. Each of these are great examples of being responsible but isn’t being kind to others just as important in being responsible? Showing up each day in our careers and with those we care about is the greatest responsible act we can share with the world. Leading others to be accountable, in my opinion, starts with trust. I trust people to do their jobs and meet expectations in the organization I serve. I hope they know that, but when people miss the mark, they will be informed. Our people must know we trust them, because trust goes a long way into the effectiveness of our organization and the people who run it.
How and where are you holding yourself accountable?
How do your day-to-day responsibilities aligning with accountability?
How do we hold those we lead accountable within our organizations?
Accountability is tough; maybe it is a fear of being wrong, or looking inadequate among those we lead. Regardless, holding ourselves accountable is so important. Holding ourselves to a high standard allows us to lead people more effectively. I hope you take an opportunity to renew that inner drive that holds yourself accountable with your dreams, values, or your career. Thanks for looking in with Leading Conversations this week, and please leave a comment below that will contribute to this conversation.
Steve Bucks~ Leading Conversations and Leadership Coaching
~Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member~
Interested in having a deeper conversation or a personal coaching session?
Email me at, stevebuckscoaching7@gmail.com