
Where in your life are you making growth a priority?

I have struggled to define specific areas of my life I wanted to see more growth. Many times, I choose a goal or new initiative to tackle with grand ideas of achieving them. Often, I miss the mark and have wasted a lot of time. I think my problem is prioritizing what areas in my life are more important. I feel like a terrible husband and father if I don’t include family in that thought process. My work life is always an area I need to be growing in and then there are my interests that I wish to continue growing. I then find myself planning and scheduling many things I wish to achieve. Soon, I’m overwhelmed and spinning out of control in my mind. It is difficult to stay focused on certain goals. In a recent conversation with friends, we discussed a few avenues we were zeroed in on as it relates to our growth. This week I thought I’d share a few highlights from those conversations.                       

Our attitude is a choice. How are we showing up every day? We hear repeatedly that we need a positive attitude. This idea is not new but having a positive attitude during good times is easy, but we need to remain positive during difficult times too. This is where our attitudes could be better or grow. How many times do people wake up and go to work feeling annoyed or grumpy? I would say, probably a lot. We must stop seeing everything that is wrong and start seeing opportunities hidden in our problems. That way of thinking is a choice. We believe that sounds too easy, just wake up and see positivity. It really is that easy, just tell yourself you will make the best of this day or situation, and it will be. I dare you! Say it out loud; I choose to have a great day and that everything will work out.                   

Relationships are so important for our growth. Our family must support us and feel supported as well. Without them life is so much more difficult, so they should be a constant focus for us. What other relationships should we grow in? Working relationships, our teams and mentors should be a safe place to grow in our businesses and organizations. Good relationships take work and shouldn’t be neglected. We must trust one another and be there in times of need, as well as good times too. Trust is how great relationships are made. Engage with your friends and co-workers by letting them know you trust them. This trust will build those relationships, which should be a growth area for everyone.      

Learning opportunities are very beneficial to our growth. What are we taking in to help us grow? Continuous learning means we are consuming material. Reviewing written material and online sources help us focus on our growth. This is not a new discussion point to the Leading Conversation site and is part of every post. Whatever decisions we make or directions we take, our learning must always be a focus.            As we continue to learn more and more, we may find our vision has more clarity. We might even be surprised at the directions we take because of the learning we take in. We can find new opportunities and change plans based on our learning that we never thought we would do. Search out more learning as an area of growth.           

We need to take time to reflect. When was the last time you sat in silence, just to think? This is a major roadblock for me. I read a lot, listen to podcasts and snoop on social media but never take huge amounts of time to reflect on all that content. Recently, I have chosen to record as much information I can into a small notebook and keep it in a central location with the intent to review it all. I have used this practice often but fail to use it as much as I would like. Take time to review any learning you have taken in and give the material substantial reflection time. Set a timer on your phone to give yourself 20-30 minutes on uninterrupted thinking time. This is an area for growth for us all.

            How are you growing with your attitude?               

            What relationships need more attention?                

            What learning opportunities are you seeking?                   

            Where could you carve out time for uninterrupted thinking or reflection?             

We could take a lot of time deciding where we need to improve. We serve ourselves better if we choose a few areas to master our growth plan. When we set priorities, we become more effective. Thanks for checking in this week. I hope you have a great week as you discover some priorities for growth.                            

Steven C. Bucks- Leading Conversations

Steven Bucks

Husband, Father, and School Administrator. Interested in personal development and growth. Avid reader of leadership and growth Mind-set books.