
What are you providing for yourselves that could benefit those around you?

This week I have dug into some of my coaching content. The word equipping was in several lessons I read or listened to. So, I Googled the word equipping and found additional terms, such as providing, furnishing, and preparing. I could list several more words, but I think we all get the idea. In leadership we create opportunities for our organizations and its people. I have done this in the form of professional development opportunities, providing speakers, books, and other materials.  As an educator we do this daily for our students by giving them the needed materials and knowledge to go out into the world and flourish. I also make a continuous effort to provide myself with learning and experiences that not only benefit me but eventually trinkles down and helps others. This is a big part of my life, and if you are an avid reader of by blog, you’ll know this already. So, the question of what you provide yourself is before us. What do you have to offer?

We must take intentional steps towards whatever goal we are chasing. One opportunity that I heard a lot about recently and have found helpful, is finding people in the area associated with the goal. There are individuals out there that know more, achieved more, that are successful in the endeavor you are chasing. Intentionally seeking out these people and taking time to engage them in conversation can offer enormous help for you. There is no need to recreate the wheel, they know the path you are seeking and can assist you in working through the processes. The difficulty is finding these people and having the courage to ask for their help. These conversations will provide you with what you need and prepare you for the journey to whatever it is you seek.

What are you consuming that provides you with the answers you seek? That’s right, you must be reviewing materials from a variety of sources to find your answers. The biggest reason we buy books on various topics, is to find the answers to our questions. Consuming material for the purpose of learning is vital to achieving your goals. This is another intentional act we must engage in. Research your situation online, read a book about it, attend a conference to guide you. Whatever you do, consume the materials that will help you the most.

Massive action is another opportunity to gain ground on goals you are trying to achieve. I have found, that if I make a commitment and act immediately on something I gain opportunities to learn. Fear is often a huge obstacle to our achievements. No, we will not know exactly what to do in any given situation, but we will learn along the way. We take imperfect action on a goal and at the same time gain insight into a better way. We adjust our approach and try again and each time we work towards a goal; inevitably we achieve the results we desired. 

            Who could you visit with that has achieved the same results you seek?

            What learning materials are you consuming that will assist you in your goals?

            Where could you take massive actions that could jump start your progress?

Before you can lead others effectively, you must provide opportunities that invest in you. This intentional act will grow you, but it will also give you the ability to grow the organization and people you serve. I hope you have an awesome week seeking out opportunities and helping others. Thanks for checking in with this week’s post, and please leave any comments below.

Steven C. Bucks- Leading Conversations

Steven Bucks

Husband, Father, and School Administrator. Interested in personal development and growth. Avid reader of leadership and growth Mind-set books.