Are you responding to your frustrations with the right mindset?

Each morning I read something inspirational to start the day with the right mindset. Today’s message was about dealing with frustration two ways. When frustration occurs, we either step-up or give up. It made me think of our current situation with the COVID pandemic. There are many districts gearing up to start school as usual or planning alternative options. We could get frustrated with all the uncertainty or the processes the so-called experts feel should be implemented. We never have all the answers or correct responses, yet we still need to keep moving forward. Is your mindset ready?

In education and life in general, frustrating things come into play at various points and we all respond to each instance differently. Over the course of my career in education I have learned a lot about myself and the thought processes I impose on myself. I have grown in this area by monitoring my thoughts more closely and stop the defeatist self-talk. I was guilty of self-doubt in my decisions, but something has switched in my mind. I am guessing my confidence has improved and I am more comfortable in my position, but enough about me!

Many successful people have utilized positive affirmations or self-talk mantras. Others have created their belief statements, or their purpose is clearer. Maybe meditation or prayer works for individuals as well. My point here is never stop searching for your version of clarity.  To get our mindset in a place that allows us to find purpose and clarity is not always easy. We must continue to search, develop, and try methods that bring us to the right state of mind. This should be something we are always doing. It is a never-ending process, and I would argue it is also a skill that has to be developed.

Are you developing a plan for dealing with your internal frustrations?

What processes have you tried to stay in the right mindset?

What are your colleagues doing to remain level-headed in frustrating time?

I hope you are doing well as summer wraps-up and you are looking forward to new beginnings in our current times. I also would invite anyone to share thoughts and comments about this post, as well as upcoming posts in the future. I look forward to the dialogue. Have a great week!

Steven Bucks

Husband, Father, and School Administrator. Interested in personal development and growth. Avid reader of leadership and growth Mind-set books.