Making Transfers

What learning do you expect to transfer in new situation?

I make money transfers each week. I look at my account and see growth, most of the time. I use this transfer of funds to cover my bills and a variety of needs. I make these transfers without thought. This could be why I overspend. This moment of random thinking made me compare things I am transferring. What things do I need to transfer from one situation to another? Things I learned about myself and how I could improve the way I do things at work or in life, could be transferable. This post is all about transferring a way of thinking or learning that makes us better.

Energy transfer is often overlooked. We have the power to transfer our energy in a variety of situations. We can bring both a positive and negative energy based on what state of mind we are in. We should honestly reflect on moments when we woke up on the wrong side of the bed and went to work in a foul mood. We can cause a transfer of negative energy to those around us. Instead, we could choose a better, more positive energy to offer others. We must decide what kind energy we wish to transfer by making a conscious decision to be present with a positive mindset.

Transferring new knowledge from our personal learning resources will ensure we grow in the right direction. There are so many sources we could choose from, whether it is through books, the internet, or vlogs and blogs. The information at our fingertips is astonishing. All that information is useless if we are unable to transfer it and use it to our benefit. Organization of our learning is vital. I use blank pages in my planner or a notebook to write things down that I have learned. We could use a filing system in our offices to collect newly learned material. Find a method that works for you to hold yourself accountable for things you have learned.

I have accepted that fact that I have not done everything right, in my personal life and work. Mistakes have been made. Transfer learning from past mistakes is an idea we could all rally around. Currently, I am working with a group of guys on communication. We have learned the importance of making better connections, something I think I could improve on. Too often we interact with others on a superficial level, and we fail to truly connect in that moment. This is one mistake I have learned from, and I wish to transfer that learning to improve myself. Transferring from mistakes to improvement is the greatest form of learning, not to mention the best way to be a better you!

The greatest gift we can give one another is value. We all have values that could benefit those around us. What gifts or strengths could you transfer from one situation to another? What valuable experiences could you offer another person or organization? When we transfer things, we do well, through our organization, we help multiple people. The gifts and values we bring improve the lives of those around us.

What kind of energy do you bring to those around you?    

How do you ensure you are transferring current information? 

How are you transferring the learning gained through your mistakes?       

What gifts or experiences could you transfer to others?

Making transfers is less about actual banking and more about adding value to ourselves and others. Transferring a piece of ourselves to others shows the world we respect those around us and the organizations we serve. I hope you get the opportunity to transfer your value to the world around you. Thanks for checking in this week and please contribute to the conversation below. Have a wonderful week.

Steven C. Bucks- Leading Conversations

~Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member~

Steven Bucks

Husband, Father, and School Administrator. Interested in personal development and growth. Avid reader of leadership and growth Mind-set books.