Limitless Part 3

Did you ever have a moment when you acted on something, or took a leap of faith?

Not sure if it is stubbornness or the athlete in me but I have had moments where I committed to something and never looked back. I pushed back the fear and just did something. That is what always happens, fear stops us, or we accept it and jump. For example, taking the role of school administrator was one massive step for me.

We can categorize these moments into two areas fear, or no fear. Isn’t that what we are really talking about, to fear something or not?  First, we can choose to take on challenges with a fearful mindset or we can accept the challenges as something new, and not fear it at all because we have no experience with this situation to draw from. There are many individuals, or gurus who preach about knocking down our fears and push forward to reach our goals. Another example I feel the need to share is my experience around one specific individual, Mr. Anthony Robbins.

I have followed Mr. Robbins for several years. In a moment of feeling the need to grow and improve, I happened to pick up a copy of his book, “Awaken The Giant Within”. This type of book was not something I ever read, but I thought I would give it a try. I loved it and picked up another book called “Unlimited Power” and enjoyed that as well. I watched many YouTube videos of his talks as well. Fast forward to 2017, I had the luxury of attending one of Mr. Robbins’ events, called “Unleash the Power Within” in New York. It was life changing! The pinnacle event was the fire walk, in which you pushed back your fears and walked over hot coals. Yes, real hot coals from a fire! This event proved to me that my fears limited me and my growth.  Mr. Robbins emphasizes in many of his talks and books to take massive action, that will push you and benefit you. We first must overcome our fears.

In education we ask our students every day to trust us and take risks. Educators also must take risks and try new things for our students, especially when new initiatives are asked of us. When fear rises in us, we are guarded, and are unable to advance in our goals and personal growth as individuals.

My hope is that in this series entitled “Limitless”, you have gained some insight into who I am. This brief series has been a learning tool for me as well and has directed me to my purpose. My blog posts have given me an opportunity to share my voice. I am no expert and I have never claimed to know everything. My life’s purpose is to foster a growth mindset in myself and those I work with, as well as make decisions for students who struggle and fear pushing themselves. I want to always grow and never stay to comfortable in life. I choose to push myself daily.

What are you specifically doing to push your fears down, and taking risks?

What are you reading that will develop yourself personally?

Who is your trusted sounding board that helps you on your life path?

Steven Bucks

Husband, Father, and School Administrator. Interested in personal development and growth. Avid reader of leadership and growth Mind-set books.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Barb Bengtson

    Thank you for sharing!
    Fear is a way to protect self or others-fear of a firewalk is fear of being burning. You reasoned it was safe because you trusted the people who gave you the opportunity.
    How do you guide struggling students to keep themselves safe while facing fear?

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