Getting Better

What are we doing to make things better for our organizations?

There are times in every organization that symbolize the end of a designated period. For schools, it is the graduation of the outgoing Senior class and for businesses it might be the quarterly report. Whatever your organization is, you understand these times of year. I have said my goodbyes to students and teachers for the summer. I miss having everyone around but appreciate the moments I have now to reflect on the year. I asked my staff a few reflection questions to help me improve things at my organization. Their responses are helpful, even if I take them personally. In the coming months, I want to plan on improving communication throughout this organization and a few other items. I’m wondering how everyone can help improve our communication?                    

 We won’t always agree with everyone’s critique of our organizations, but we still need to hear all concerns. We must stay focused on improvements and how they relate to the bigger picture. We fail our organizations and ourselves if we focus on feelings that we are being attacked. This is our ego talking, and we must push down this thinking. Yes, we all have individuals who think the boss isn’t doing enough to make things better. We get mad, frustrated, and sad a lot of the time, as we don’t agree with their assessment of the situation. Everyone has their own perspective. Leave that alone. Instead, shift the focus on the organization and not yourself. Our goal should always be improvement of ourselves, our people, and our organizations. Everyone strives to be better! Leaders can show their people they too, are invested in the betterment of the organization by jumping in and taking on tasks as well.                    

We all must take ownership of every corrective action. Often, the people of an organization look to the leader to make changes to improve things. When we ask people how we can be better, we are also saying that everyone should have a hand in the suggested improvements. We must look to what we are currently doing and what we are willing to do that will bring positive changes to our organization. We get closer to our goal when we work together. Leaders can make this happen when they trust their people to get involved. There are people in our organizations who can lead and make solid decisions. Trust these individuals to assist in improvements.                                   

            Are you giving your people opportunities to suggest changes?

            What have you done to create positive changes for your organization?

            What are you willing to do to improve your organization?

            Who can you delegate tasks to, that help improve the organization?

We all want to be better. Whether we are thinking of ourselves or the organizations we lead. I can’t think of one person I have ever met that wanted to remain the same. We can all make improvements, both large and small. For me, it’s that time of year where I like to look back at what has been done and what future changes I could make to improve just about any situation. I want to thank you for looking at this week’s post and I hope you are finding opportunities to improve each day. Please leave a comment below and have a great week.

Steven C. Bucks- Leading Conversations

Steven Bucks

Husband, Father, and School Administrator. Interested in personal development and growth. Avid reader of leadership and growth Mind-set books.