Failing to Implement

Why do we struggle in the implementation of our goals or dreams?

I share my struggles and failures hoping to help others. Through my writing and reflecting, I too can find some kind of direction. I have always been one to try things, with big ideas for implementation. Turns out, I’m still struggling. I may be moving slowly forward, but it is forward. I continue to adapt and change the ways I work on goals. I hope this week’s post allows you to question the statis of your goal implementations, or offer as a reminder to keep striving for success.

Trying and doing are two different things. I follow Andy Frisella’s email messages daily. This week he shared, as he does often, the importance of doing stuff. He tells his followers to quit making excuses and act. Needless to say, I needed his message this week. I have taken great strides in chasing my goals, but not enough. I have tried some things and stopped others. What bold moves or decisions can you take today that will help in the implementing your goals? We can only go as far as we push ourselves.

Often, people fail to implement their goals because they accept their current situation and don’t push themselves. They refuse to get out of their comfort zone. Sometimes, people may not even know they are avoiding growth because they or ok with how their goals are progressing. We may fail to see or accept that we can do so much more than we think. Assess where you are each day to see if you are truly happy with where your progress is.

The what if, scenarios play over and over in our minds. What if it doesn’t work? What if people judge me? What if I fail? Fear paralyzes our minds and hinders our momentum. Many of these questions are lies we tell ourselves. We cannot go through life questioning this way. Yes, things will go poorly at times, but maybe not. We won’t know until we act and make decisions.

There is no ‘right” time to achieve a goal or chase a dream. There is only now, this very moment. So, start already! I fall into this mindset often, just like everyone else. My goal hasn’t been fully implemented because I felt the timing was off. My situation had a variety of scenarios that could have impacted the effectiveness of my goals. If I had chosen to start implementing my goal, there would have been opportunities to correct or adapt its effectiveness. As time has gone by, my goal would have been improved upon. The best advise we can take is to get started today.

Are you doing enough or simply trying?      

Where are you settling, or staying comfortable?     

What scares you about implementing your goals?  

What small steps can you take today, tomorrow, and every day?

Implementation of goals will be difficult if we can’t take high-quality action, if we settle for mediocrity, worry about our fears, or fail to start. These points shared in this post are only a few of the roadblocks we face. Many other untold issues arise, making our goals more difficult to achieve. The important thing we all must understand is to continue doing something every day. So, get after it and continue to work on your goal or dream. It is attainable. Thanks for checking in this week and please leave a comment below that will contribute to this conversation.

Steven C. Bucks- Leading Conversations

~Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member~

Steven Bucks

Husband, Father, and School Administrator. Interested in personal development and growth. Avid reader of leadership and growth Mind-set books.