A Fork in the Road

 What methods do you use when you make important decisions?

We all must make decisions for ourselves and others. Most decisions are insignificant or do not carry a lot of weight. There are decisions we make that have great impact to us and the people around us. Some decisions are not the most popular, yet they must be made. How are you weighing the decisions you make?

Procedures for making your decisions are not always possible. It is important to place decisions into the categories of your life. Work and family categories are obvious. We must separate our work life from our private life. Envision a fork in the road. One direction is our work life, and the other is our private life. Each road comes with it’s own signs to give us direction. Each road has curves and bumps that we must deal with. Each road has it’s own conditions that we have not experienced yet. What we need to understand is that we can read the signs along these roads. Theses signs are put there by us. They are the procedures we look at when we make life decisions. When we come upon a sharp curve, we tend to slow down. If we find potholes on our road, we must try to avoid them. We may hit one of those potholes or run off the road by mistake, but we are always able to correct our direction; follow our signs and keep moving forward.

You are probably asking, what signs? Well, for starters there are speed limits on our roads of life. When decisions are made, sometimes they need to be made quickly. Other decisions, we need to go slow to move fast. In our personal and work life we must make sure we are moving in the right direction but doing it at an appropriate pace. Another example are cross walks or animal crossings. We cannot mow down Bambi or our people as we make decisions. We must use caution that our decisions are not harming others. Most importantly on our roads of life, is our safety. Road conditions can cause accidents. Your decisions can harm you as well. If you are hurt by the decisions you make, you could hinder your forward progress. There are always signs for us to pay attention to.

The private and work life categories can also have additional paths to take. Within our personal life decisions, we could choose another category. For example, we can base some of our decisions on our spirituality, spouse, or children. We can also make decisions based on our mental and physical health. Our personal decision road should have more paths that allow us to grow and improve. Our work life decisions can take alternative paths as well. At work you can choose the road to leadership or improvement of the organization. However you choose to organize your decisions, pay close attention to your signs.

         How are prioritizing decisions in your personal life or work life?

         What potential hazards are on your decision path?

         What is your posted “speed limit”, as you make decisions in your personal life?

         What other categories, other than personal or work life are you focusing on?              

We do not always consider how we make our tough decision in life. When making your decisions, take time to follow your personal plan. Thanks so much for checking out this week’s post. Have a great week following your roads and watching for the signs.

Steven C. Bucks-Leading Conversations

Steven Bucks

Husband, Father, and School Administrator. Interested in personal development and growth. Avid reader of leadership and growth Mind-set books.